May 24 19



The billions of people on the planet have incorporated ayurveda into their lives, health habits and spiritual philosophies as it’s the world’s ancient system of healing. Let us explore what ayurveda has to say about the deadly disease – CANCER and let’s look at the treatment for cancer in ayurveda. In Ayurveda, it is said that any imbalance in the human body is caused by the over expression or under expression of any of the Doshas. Dosha imbalance can lead to diseases of the following basic stage like Accumulation, Aggravation, Overflow, Localization, Manifestation and Disease.

Ayurveda says one main indication of health in a human body is its ability to adapt to external stimuli and changing environment. The problem arises when the body is not able to adapt and which indirectly disrupts communication between the body functions, which is aggravated as Aama. Accumulation of toxins in the form of non-digested matter in the circulatory system is called Aama. These toxins eventually get deposited in tissues and cells

In Ayurveda, Dosha balance means that all body systems, functions, and communications both within the body and between the body and the external environment are operating smoothly. Ayurveda acknowledges that cancer cells are always present in the body, but when the body is in a state of Dosha balance (or homeostasis), this is not a problem.Each day every human body makes cancer cells but our immune system is so strong enough to handle them and it recognizes which are harmful and faulty cells. The immune system sends its own army to defeat the harmful cancerous cells in normal balanced human body. So it’s very essential to have a balanced mental, physical, emotional and spiritual health for healing.

Prevention is the key when ayurveda is considered as the treatment for cancer. Ayurveda treatment mainly focuses on changing one’s lifestyle by including vegetables, organic and live foods and by reducing the consumption of processed foods. Metal health has a vital role to play in healing treatment, to acquire a balanced metal health one must be stress free, should have adequate amount of sleep and exercise and fortifying the body with quality supplements are all good practices for health and vitality.

Ayurvedic treatment approaches the patient on several levels of causes like physical, mental and spiritual. The physical level is the most superficial level of approaching the symptom that is the tumour .Herbs are used, which reduces the tumour growth and can be taken internally or externally applied on the tumour. The next level is mental level, the role of mind in healing is very important. Healing the mind is more difficult and requires positive self inquiry and insights. Mental stress and emotional challenges produces difficulty in the flow of energy in the body. Healing begins with the purification of mind, and can then be supported through the use of herbs such as calamus, brahmi and tulsi. Treatments like shirodhara can produce inner silence while tonifying the mind and Nasya supports mental purification. The spiritual healing is the process of removing or healing our karma, which plays a role in all disease.

RCM Wellness centre provides proper management of patients. We have skilled doctors and practitioners who are armed with knowledge, compassion, and an open heart. The ayurvedic treatment is prepared to engage the patient and the disease. Do not panic RCM wellness centre is here for you.

May 6 19



Cancer is one among the fatal or deadly diseases which is common today. Cancer is caused by the abnormal growth of cells, often resulting in malignant tumour. As per the rule of nature unwanted or unnecessary glands cannot grow in our body, but much against the rule of nature, if such growth occurs then it may be considered as symptoms of cancer.

The cancer can occur in any part of our body but it usually affects the organs like bronchus oesophagus, stomach, thyroid, skin, breasts and rarely seldom. If you feel a lump in the breast,unusual bleeding or discharge, any change in a wort or mole on the body, difficulty in swallowing, persistent cough, loss of weight, dysentery then you must pay attention to the symptoms. It can be a warning bell to you. If you think you have these symptoms then no wait, hurry up you consult a doctor and get diagnosed as quickly as possible without any delay. The Ayurveda treatment is a personalized, patient-centred medical approach. Which is based the union of the senses, body, mind, and spirit. The purpose of Ayurvedic approach is to promote health and prevent disease, but also to diagnose and treat conditions.

The Law of nature says that one should eat food only when one is really hungry, untimely food, over eating and irregular habit of eating though not hungry will invite diseases and serious hazard to health. Health issues can also be caused due to consumption of alcohol, tobacco chewing and smoking of tobacco. One should always remember an English proverb “As you sow, so you reap” this proverb is a warning alarm for those who indulge in harmful habits and thus invite diseases like cancer. There are thousands of people including youngsters who often consume toxic drugs just to get a momentary relief but they are not aware that they are inviting a deadly disease like cancer. In adequate supply of Vitamin A to the body, indulging in illicit copulation, use of steroids can cause cancer. There are a number of chemicals like caffeine, nicotine when consumed in excess can completely destroy he healthy cells and may cause cancer of lungs, brain and breast.

The way for the disease to enter the body is created by none other than we ourselves. Consumption of alcohol leads to cancer of mouth, intestine and spleen. Smoking habit leads to cancer of lungs, pharynx and vocal cords, chewing of tobacco leads to mouth cancer. It is also confirmed that dyeing of hair leads to cancer. Cancer is also seen in people who sit and work for hours continuously. Blood cancer is another type of cancer which is found in people when there is excess growth of white corpuscles and fewer numbers of red corpuscles in the body. Blood cancer has been an incurable cancer.

To prevent one from cancer, we should follow a healthy diet and food habit .We should go green and choose ayurveda which reduces our chances to be affected by cancer. We should take adequate amount of vitamin A by in taking foods like cod liver oil, milk, butter, ghee, yellow part of egg, tomato, orange, pulses and cereals, spinach, green leaves, fresh and raw vegetables like lettuce, radish, cauli flower etc. Eat nutritious food, but doing a regular physical exercise is a must. Consult wellness centre kochi if you come across any of the symptoms related to cancer.

Apr 25 19



According to the recent research conducted and the data published it is recorded that, among theIndians one of the main health condition that created a buzz is due to vitamin deficiency. Almost 48% of the total Indian population suffers from various kinds of vitamin and nutritional deficiencies. Some of the early signs of nutritional deficiency include tiredness, feeling exhausted, Lethargy etc. But most of us ignore or neglect these symptoms and consider it as the result of our stressful job or of busy lifestyle. What so ever the reason might be, the consequence of this on health is reaching high. In this Blog, we will mainly concentrate on the how the vitamin deficiency can cause risk to our health.

We all think and question ourselves on the role vitamins in health, but the truth is that vitamins and minerals are indeed very important. Vitamins play a vital role in proper functioning of the body. When the quantity of vitamins and minerals decreases in our body, it ultimately leads to various health problems. So to lead a healthy life it is mandatory to be aware about vitamins and its deficiency diseases.

Vitamins can be grouped into two categories: fat-soluble vitamins and water-soluble vitamins. Fat soluble vitamins are stored in the body’s fatty tissue – these are vitamins A, D, E, and K. Water-soluble vitamins must be absorbed by the body right away, or else they will leave your body through urine. The vitamin B complex, C are examples of water-soluble vitamins. The diseases caused by deficiency of vitamins can be troublesome. You can determine your vitamin level by having a simpleblood test and you can take treatment if you are deficient in any of those Here is a list of vitamin deficiency diseases and their symptoms.

VITAMIN A Vitamin A is essential component for growth and development of our body. Especially in maintaining healthy teeth, bones, mucus membranes and skin. You can understand that you are having vitamin A deficiency if you find the following signs in you, skin problems, poor night vision, or dry eyes. The best way to get rid of this deficiency is by having food items like Carrots, dark colored fruits, and dark colored veggies are great sources of vitamin A. Egg yolks also have a good amount of vitamin A. Wellness centre kochi provide all kinds of vitamin deficiency treatment at the wellness centre.

VITAMIN (B1,B2,B3) Vitamin B complex is essential for our immune system, nervous system, immune system and aids in iron absorption. Depending on your vitamin B deficiency, you may have different signs of deficiency. Vitamin B1 deficiency can cause a disease called Beri beri, which mainly effects brain, heart and nerves. Some of the prominent symptoms of vitamin B1 deficiency are tingling, depression, confuse and numbness, difficulty in speech and coordination and breathing difficulties. Vitamin B2 deficiency has the following symptoms a swollen tongue, sore throat, cracking of skin at the corners of mouth, skin eruptions and itching. Some people may also experience weakness and anaemia, which can further cause more trouble. Deficiency of vitamin B3 can cause a condition called pellagra. The common symptoms include sore spots in mouth, red, swollen tongue and red patches on face, neck and limbs.

VITAMIN D Vitamin D is also known as sunshine vitamin. Vitamin D deficiency is the most common among the deficiency diseases of vitamins. It causes rickets in children and osteomalacia in adults. It also causes softening of bones, which results in fractures and bone deformities. Vitamin D deficiency can also cause bone and joint pain, bending of bones, muscle weakness and difficulty in walking. Check your vitamin D levels and prevent joint and other health problems.rcm wellness centre provide treatment for all kinds of vitamin d deficiency diseases.

VITAMIN K Vitamin K deficiency can cause increased risk of uncontrolled bleeding and can also affect the blood clotting mechanism. It is most commonly found in new born babies and rarely in adults. People who are alcoholic are more prone to this disease. No needs to get panic, these diseases are completely curable by just following a good diet. A better diet can solve most of the issues. Rcm wellness centre can provide you with the required dose of vitamins and minerals needed in a daily diet according to individual’s body.

Apr 19 19



Yes summer season is here and it always comes along with a bundle of diseases. The change in season affects the climate, our environment and gradually our immune system as well. It affects the internal mechanisms of our body, which causes ailments and diseases. Ayurveda is an ancient medical science originated in India and it means science of vitality/life. And every one aspires to live healthy and lively. Through Ayurveda, it gives a complete cool down of emotions, body and spirit, with simple diet and lifestyle. This article deals with what are the summer diseases and what are the ayurveda treatments provided in RCM wellness centre.

People are always hurried for a faster solution rather a permanent solution. We all are not aware about the power of Ayurvedic Treatment. Ayurveda says our body constitutes of 3 doshas or physical energy. These physical energies vary in every season. As far as summer is concerned the physical energy called pitta increases in our body and pitta ultimately symbolises heat. The inconsistency in the level of pitta Dosha in our body shows various symptoms related to it like Loose Bowels, Swelling, Swelling, Pyrexia, Indigestion, acid reflux, Burning sensations, Excess Perspiration etc. Digestive problems like ulcers and heartburn may flare. Due to Emotional discomforts, anger may rise as well as irritation and frustration.

Treating the summer disease means reducing the pitta level in the body and bringing a balance between the 3 doshas. Ayurvedic treatment for summer diseases often includes a pitta specific diet. People should eat foods that calm the pitha Dosha. Avoid alcohols and beverages that dehydrate the body instead consume cooling and nourishing beverages. Try to stay away from fermented drinks & foods, sour fruits and spicy foods which overheat the body. It’s better not to take fast or skip foods during this season as inadequate amount to food and energy supply to the body may lead the body to a weak state. During the summer season it is essential to drinking more water than usual as it helps in reducing the body temperature and hence help in reducing the pitta Dosha level in our body.

The quantity of pitta dosha level varies from person- to -person. To get the accurate level of pitta Dosha in your body and to know how it affects ones body, one must consult best Ayurvedic centre in kerala. A proper Ayurvedic practitioner can heal you from the summer diseases. . The Panchakarma treatments done to manage summer diseases are Taila Dhara, Shiro Abhyanga, Takra ,Shirolepa, Dhara, Mukhalepa, Ksheeradhara Lepana of body with coolentherbs, Akshitapana, shiro pichu, shiro basti. RCM wellness centre kochi is the premier Ayurvedic clinic in kochi, which has years of experience in the field of ayurveda and has experienced and expert Ayurvedic practitioners.This summer Ayurveda provided by RCM wellness centre is the lifestyle regime you need to try.

Mar 20 19



If we start asking people about what they eat and what they don’t eat, the list of things they don’t eat expands in rapid. We should always follow a healthy diet because a healthy diet is the best source of vitamins and minerals to our body. The food that we intake not only provide us energy but also nutrients that help the body stay healthy. The most important of these nutrients are minerals and tiny organic components called vitamins. Fruits and Vegetables are generally rich in minerals and life – saving chemicals which keeps oneself fit and healthy. The only way that vitamins and minerals come to our body is to intake them as they cannot be produced in our body.

Green vegetables contain some sort of components which stimulate bowel movement, so that one can get rid of complaints pertaining to indigestion and constipation. It’s best recommended for patients who suffer from diseases like piles. They should consume raw green vegetables besides eating cooked vegetables. These patients should make sure that they consume foods that are rich in nutrients and minerals which could provide proper nourishment and growth of the body. Abundant use of vegetables serves two fold purposes-Doing away with consumption of drugs and saving money, as intake of vegetables prevents patients from taking unnecessary medicines.

A normal human body needs adequate amount of heat. It is said that a healthy human being normally maintains 98o farenheit and in case of extremely low temperature or high temperature, man cannot survive. The heat in the body is generated from the carbohydrates rich foods we consume like rice, wheat and sugar. A healthy individual generally requires an average of 2800 calories of heat. Thus an individual’s body will have a proportionate quantity of mineral content. They have the power to protect the body from the diseases.

A human body is perfectly evolved to reap the offerings of Mother Nature. These are the six tastes found in food – salty, sweet, sour, astringent, pungent and bitter. A good Ayurvedic diet based on these six tastes creates a proper proportion of carbohydrates, fats, proteins, fibre, vitamins and nutrients. The family of vegetables has an astringent and bitter taste. Sour taste is found in fruits, cultured as well as fermented foods. The sweet taste is found in rice, oils, mats, healthy fats, nuts and fruits. When our eating habits get poorer we have in our life, our ability to appreciate the astringent and bitter taste gets dimmed. But we can regain our interest through Ayurvedic practices. Our nutritional needs are met by our body as we slowly perceive a balance of these tastes. We don’t have to fraught with calorie counting and measuring as food is one of the greatest pleasures of life.

Mar 1 19



RCM wellness center has an ISO&GMP certified Ayurveda Manufacturing unit (earlier known as CKKM pharmacy).The unit produces more than 350 different traditional Ayurvedic medicines and patented products which are sold across India. Some popular and innovative products of RCM Manufacturing units are chemical free Ayurvedic soap , Chandini. Ayurveda kit for Post natal care for both new borns and mothers. The latest in the range are natural beeswax candles and medicated aroma oils.

RCM wellness centre has got Specialty Clinics likes Diabetes Reversal, Stroke Rehabilitation, Oncology, Obesity, Gynecology, Skin Clinic, Pre Natal and Post Natal Care Clinic Geriatric (age related disorders), Infertility, Rheumatic Clinic etc.

DIABETES REVERSAL /STROKE REHABILITATION /ONCOLOGY Diabetes Reversal, Stroke Rehabilitation and Oncology are lead by Dr Bejoy S Raj . He has got MD in general medicine(kayachikitsa).He has been part of RCM wellness centre for the past 10 years and he mainly deals with Diabetes, Stroke, Oncology, Neurological diseases, Acute Skin disorders and Chronic Abdominal diseases. One of the key specialties of RCM wellness centre is personalized treatment protocol which has been developed within RCM. This protocol has varying degree of changes formulated according to the conditions like Pre Diabetic conditions, Diabetic management and Diabetic Reversal Program.RCM provides detailed and thorough monitoring of the patients, and has set upped pattern routine for checkups. RCM wellness centre has got a particular plan for the treatment which includes food pattern and timing, yoga, exercise and sleep timing. Dr.Bejoy S Raj conducts private counselling sessions to bring about mental stability in normal life. There is a holistic treatment that aims at the betterment of physical, mental and energy level of the IP patients (stroke and oncology cases).RCM has got unique and innovative therapeutic initiative that is a treatment technique which incorporates marma therapy and uzhichil blended with yogic technique

OBESITY /GYNECOLOGY /SKIN CLINIC Dr.Shabeena KB leads the following clinic –Obesity, gynecology and skin .she acquires her degree in Ayurveda (BAMS).She has joined her hands with RCM wellness centre for the past 7 years and has the most vital responsibility of taking care of all IP patients and operations of the wellness centre. She mainly treats patients under gynaecological conditions like Leucorrhoea, menstrual disorders, PCOD, pre and post menopausal syndromes. We know that obesity is one of the common problems we find in most of the people now a days, this is mainly due to the food habits they have. Normally, most of the hospitals follow this treatment for obesity that is managing the Medho Dhatu by cleansing and elimination therapies. At RCM obesity treatment is designed according to the individual need which combines fitness session and Ayurveda panchakarma therapy creating a perfect balance between mind and body. Counselling sessions, Regular sessions and Ayurveda Panchakarma can also bring balance between mind and body. RCM is different in all aspects, we follow a different methodology apart from other treatment centers, we keep a follow up of our patients after their treatment is finished so that they will be able to gain their perfect weight.

PRE NATAL AND POST NATAL CARE CLINIC Dr.Parvathy S.Nair (BAMS) has been a part of this journey for the past four years and now she is the production manager of the manufacturing unit of RCM wellness centre. Under her guidance and supervision we have implemented the service called Pre and Post natal care home service. We have a special service of consultation and efficient therapy for the new mothers and new born made available at their homes. The medicines are included in the package of minimum 7/14/21 and 28 days. The package constitutes therapy for lactation difficulties, sagging abdomen, menstrual problems, low back pain, post partum depression and hair fall. For the past one year, we have provided services for more than 200 patients and we have got excellent reviews for our service.

GERIATRIC (AGE RELATED DISORDERS)/INFERTILITY/RHEUMATIC CLINIC Dr.K.Madhusoodhanan hands full of degrees in different fields like BAMS, DAC, Reiki, Yoga MA Astrology, Mphil Astrology and PhD Medical Astrology. He has an experience of more than 27 years treating people with all diseases and lifestyle disorders. Almost all the Geriatric cases are acute and chronic Rheumatoid arthritis, Gout, Acute and Chronic COPD etc. People with age related disorders are given homely foods from our mess to make them feel homely and the senior citizens are also taken care by helping them in their daily routines. One of the most common problems faced by couples is Infertility. Infertility cases at RCM wellness center are treated under Dr. K.Madhusoodhanan. He deals each case in the safest, effective and in an affordable way. Bringing Medical astrology under his treatment regimen has brought amazing results for the past 5 years.

Feb 16 19



RCM started its journey long back in the year 1965 by Dr K S Chandran. But the legacy dates 100 plus years from Mr. C G Kumaran Vaidyar, Father of Dr K S Chandran, the legacy was transmitted from the grandfather of K S Chandran who was also a Vaidyar. Dr K S Chandran established RCM (formerly known as CKKM) 53 years ago to create their own mark in the field of Ayurveda. The main aim was to promote Ayurveda and provide authentic Ayurveda medicines and treatments accessible to all at an affordable rate.

The agenda of RCM was rightly transformed to his son Dr Rakhesh Chandran and he conceived it in the true spirit. He is currently the Chairman Medical Director of RCM Health Care Group. He is a well known and experienced Ophthalmic Surgeon. The objectives were well conceived by his mother Ms.Kanthi Chandran (Proprietor) and wife Linda Rakhesh(Managing director).

Linda Rakhesh was born in the city of France, Paris. Her primary education was done in Paris and later for her higher education she came to India. Later she continues studies in India. By profession she is a Software Engineer. But she took a different path in her career life after the unexpected and unfortunate incident – demise of her visionary Father in Law Dr. K S Chandran (Founder chairman of RCM Healthcare Group),Which made her to take up a challenge and a bold step in her life, to revive the business which was closed for few years.

Definitely it was a great journey to establish back the goodwill and trust of the company that was rendered since 1965. As she was not from an Ayurveda background, it was a necessity that she should acquire knowledge in that field. So she acquired MBA in marketing and Diploma in Ayurveda pharmacy in order to take the responsibility of hospitality wing RCM Ayurveda wellness Centre. Her strong determination and handwork gave rebirth to RCM Wellness Centre. RCM wellness centre bloomed under the leadership and guidance of this great lady. RCM wellness centre blossomed into its full fledge, with 20 bedded ISO certified Ayurveda Hospital.

RCM offers high quality authentic Ayurveda health services.RCM extends its services to all at an affordable rate and it is accessible to all people. The services include Pre natal & Post natal care services, Natural Multi specialty Ayurvedic Clinic, Beauty treatment free of chemicals, Palliative Care. RCM Wellness centre also conducts camps for senior citizens, Medical camps for Women, free general checkups, Specialty Clinic for Autism, Specialty clinic for Oncology cases. All these are led by a team of experienced and dedicated Doctors and therapists.

Jan 31 19



We all are being created with complete health. From the early stages of pregnancy itself, woman is directed by nature to expel from their bodies all elements detrimental to the proper growth of the baby. The morning sickness is a protective device prepared in pregnant woman’s body by nature to eject elements that may do harm to the fetus. So never obstruct this craving of the nature. We all love to play in rain! It is because of the instinct given by nature that children love to bathe in rainwater. So never try to arrest the call of nature. To a certain extent humans can follow the example of other living beings around us. As they are destined to obey the rule of nature fully, very rarely do they have diseases. As human beings are endowed with the freedom to break the law, they do have diseases in plenty.

Whenever you feel thirsty you must drink pure water, whenever you feel hungry take as little food as is required for sustaining life, live in the openness of sunlight, sleep early and rise early, get yourself away with all the mental tension and stress. If you inculcate these habits, you will never catch any illness. If we look at other living beings we can analyse that we are the ones who are having many illness. we should seriously look into our food habits and take only such type of food that can do well to your body and shun all harmful and bad foods. Food is medicine and nature is the doctor. That is nephropathy or nature cure.

Medicines prepared out of chemicals synthetically can cause side-effects. These medicines cannot cure the disease completely. In fact frequent use of such medicines may breed other diseases, unaware of us. Certain part of our body can get affected with the use of medicines because of the strong chemical contents in them. That’s why people opt for nature cure and search for Ayurveda treatment center kerala. Nature cure is the method which is purely organic that is the medicines are extracted from the herbs, shrubs, creepers, plants, trees etc. Available in nature can cure most of the diseases.

Nature cure doesn’t mean herbal medicines only; Nature cure involves variants of methods like Fasting habit, Air-therapy, Water- therapy, Soil- therapy, Sun-bath, simple food habits and physical exercise are included in the treatment methodology of nature cure. Natural method of curing diseases assures good health, resistance power, considerable stamina and other advantages. To solve a problem it is very necessary to know the root cause. Same is in the case of a disease, where we trace the root cause and chalked out, which could possibly administer the right medicine and get rid of the disease successfully. Having medicines can cure your disease, but there are many patients they seemingly recover from their illness but still they are given treatment for at least 40 days so that the disease will not recur. Hence long term treatments like nature-cure are indispensable. There are a lot of Ayurveda treatment centers in kerala available for nature care .Some are panchakarma treatment kochi, Ayurveda treatment center kochi , wellness center kochi . They are the leading nature cure treatment center which could offer you the best treatment and service.

Jan 10 19



We all want to stay fit right? We all strive to lead an active life, wellness center kochi is here to guide you better. But as a result of our irregular life habits, we all are trapped in the cage of medicines as our internal doctor is not able to work properly to cater the needs of body.

We are digging our own grave day by day by our habits. People who have two meals a day are healthier than people who often drink coffee and have snacks on a regular basis which in turn contribute to spoil their stomach and liver and which ultimately ends up in ulcers and cancers. The habit of smoking and drinking alcohol also contribute to acidity and ulcer. White blood corpuscles play an important role in maintaining the body healthy. Lack of certain chemicals pertaining the production of white corpuscles may degenerate the pancreas and thus end up in jaundice. Some people consume excess amount of carbohydrates through their food, which causes sudden increase in the level of cholesterol, which leads to blocking of free and properly circulated blood vessels. When the heart gets obstructed by the proper circulation of blood, the fatal disease ‘Heart attack’ is caused. Our harmful bad habits like smoking tobacco, alcoholic drink and drinking of excess tea and coffee concentrates fat in our body. Obesity of fat or corpulent body is always a heaven of blood pressure and heart attack.

Thus the only solution for this is prevention. Man has to protect his body with diet-food and regular exercise. Due to the rapid change in life style, many people shirk work. Doing workout has become an allergy for men. Many people glue on to TV sets and don’t even go out for a walk. The petty reason they assign is that they do not want to expose themselves to dry and hot weather, wind, rain and other seasons. People don’t know that this ‘couch potato’ tendency may play serious havoc on their health. First and foremost thing is that the person who sits ideally does not get adequate amount of oxygen that a normal human being should get. According to the study conducted, the report says that people who spend time lazily staying indoors suffer from asthmatic complaints, breathing problems and tuberculosis.

If one has to consume 100% of oxygen, breathing exercise called pranayama alone is an alternative. Pranayama is a breathing exercise by which we inhale and exhale fresh air. If we do it for a couple of minutes will help greatly, especially in the process of blood purification and increment of Red blood corpuscles [RBC] in blood. Are you looking for the best Ayurveda treatment center kerala? Then your search is over Ayurveda treatment center kochi is one of the best Ayurveda treatment center in kerala and they are also well known panchakarma treatment kochi.

Dec 23 18



Epilepsy is a known disease to humankind from the ancient times. Epilepsy is a neurological disorder in which the excessive and abnormal neuronal electrical activity in the brain leads to seizures, sensations and loss of awareness. Approximately 50million people around the world have epilepsy, making it the most common neurological disease.

Ayurveda is a system of medicine of Indian culture which has its origin traced back to 6000 years before Christain era. Epilepsy in Ayurveda is called apasmara. Here apa means loss and smara means memory ,intelligence or consciousness. An actual attack of apasmara can include falling down, shaking of the legs,hands and body, rolling up of the eyes, grinding of the teeth, and foaming at the mouth. Aura called as Apasmara poorva roopa can be any subjective sensations like sensation of sounds, sensation of darkness, feeling of delusion and dreamlike state that a patient experiences before the attack. Ayurveda consider the causes of epilepsy as anger, greed, passion, temptation, ecstasy, grief, worry, and anxiety.Four major types of epilepsy based on the disturbance of doshas or humors are considered in the ayurvedic literature:Vataja, Pittaja, Kaphaja and Sannipataja. The vataja type of apasmara is characterized by frequent fits; regaining consciousness in very short time; bulging of eyes; excessive crying; foaming at the mouth; irregularly contracted fingers; reddish and blackish nails, eyes, face and skin, trembling and hallucinations. Pittaja type is characterized by regaining consciousness in short interval; scratching of the ground; greenish yellow and coppery nails, eyes, face and skin; visions of agitated; bloody, irritated, frightful and burning objects. Kaphaja type is having features of fits with delayed recovery; increased growth in mouth; white nails,eyes, face and skin, and visions of white heavy smooth unctuous objects. The sannipatika type is characterized by simultaneous disturbance of all the three doshas that give rise to combination of signs and symptoms and is considered almost incurable.

Modern science has listed multiple causes for epilepsy such as lesions in the brain, tumors, strokes, infections, genetic conditions,etc.Classification of seizures are as focal seizures and generalized seizures. 60% of people with epilepsy have focal seizures also called partial seizures. This type of seizures starts in a particular part of your brain and can cause both physical and emotional effects. Generalized seizures happen when nerve cells of both sides of your brain get abnormally activated. They can cause you muscular spasms, black out and fall. Some seizures start as partial and then progress to generalized seizures. Generalized seizures are of six types:Tonic Clonic or Grand mal seizures;Clonic seizures; Tonic seizures; Atonic seizures; Myoclonic seizures; Absence or Petit mal seizures.

Not all cases of epilepsies are lifelong.. Treatment includes correcting the etiological factors, dietary regimen and avoiding dangerous places that may result in injuries. Ayurveda has explained the treatment of epilepsy according to which dosha is involved. It includes mantras, ghrtas, taila cooked with herbal drugs, nasyas and anjanas.Ayurvedic literature has explained numerous herbs possessing anticonvulsive property. Brahmi, Shankhapushpi, Malkagni, Jatamansi are some among them

RCM WELLNESS center is a prestigious ayurvedic treatment centre in Kerala. We have a well established ayurvedic treatment facility and offer a complete care for patients suffering from epilepsy. Through our holistic approach in treating patients and with the help of our eminent ayurvedic physicians, we not only offer a cure to the disease but also enhance the spiritual power through meditation and yoga. Thus we offer a better physical as well as mental health to our inmates. Patients improve with short and long term treatment to the point that treatment is no longer needed.So there is no need of worry if you or your family is suffering from epilepsy as RCM wellness center is your solution.