The billions of people on the planet have incorporated ayurveda into their lives, health habits and spiritual philosophies as it’s the world’s ancient system of healing. Let us explore what ayurveda has to say about the deadly disease – CANCER and let’s look at the treatment for cancer in ayurveda. In Ayurveda, it is said that any imbalance in the human body is caused by the over expression or under expression of any of the Doshas. Dosha imbalance can lead to diseases of the following basic stage like Accumulation, Aggravation, Overflow, Localization, Manifestation and Disease.

Ayurveda says one main indication of health in a human body is its ability to adapt to external stimuli and changing environment. The problem arises when the body is not able to adapt and which indirectly disrupts communication between the body functions, which is aggravated as Aama. Accumulation of toxins in the form of non-digested matter in the circulatory system is called Aama. These toxins eventually get deposited in tissues and cells

In Ayurveda, Dosha balance means that all body systems, functions, and communications both within the body and between the body and the external environment are operating smoothly. Ayurveda acknowledges that cancer cells are always present in the body, but when the body is in a state of Dosha balance (or homeostasis), this is not a problem.Each day every human body makes cancer cells but our immune system is so strong enough to handle them and it recognizes which are harmful and faulty cells. The immune system sends its own army to defeat the harmful cancerous cells in normal balanced human body. So it’s very essential to have a balanced mental, physical, emotional and spiritual health for healing.

Prevention is the key when ayurveda is considered as the treatment for cancer. Ayurveda treatment mainly focuses on changing one’s lifestyle by including vegetables, organic and live foods and by reducing the consumption of processed foods. Metal health has a vital role to play in healing treatment, to acquire a balanced metal health one must be stress free, should have adequate amount of sleep and exercise and fortifying the body with quality supplements are all good practices for health and vitality.

Ayurvedic treatment approaches the patient on several levels of causes like physical, mental and spiritual. The physical level is the most superficial level of approaching the symptom that is the tumour .Herbs are used, which reduces the tumour growth and can be taken internally or externally applied on the tumour. The next level is mental level, the role of mind in healing is very important. Healing the mind is more difficult and requires positive self inquiry and insights. Mental stress and emotional challenges produces difficulty in the flow of energy in the body. Healing begins with the purification of mind, and can then be supported through the use of herbs such as calamus, brahmi and tulsi. Treatments like shirodhara can produce inner silence while tonifying the mind and Nasya supports mental purification. The spiritual healing is the process of removing or healing our karma, which plays a role in all disease.

RCM Wellness centre provides proper management of patients. We have skilled doctors and practitioners who are armed with knowledge, compassion, and an open heart. The ayurvedic treatment is prepared to engage the patient and the disease. Do not panic RCM wellness centre is here for you.